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  • 2009年10月自考英语(一)串讲笔记(unit22)
  • 发布日期时间:2009-10-12  来源:汕头自考网整理   点击数:  作者:佚名
Text A Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness

  一、New Words


  1)misuse(vt.) 1.误用,滥用;2.苛待,虐待

  (n.)  误用,滥用

  2)reexamine(vt.) 1.再考,复试;2.再调查,再审查


  1)fitness(n.) 1.适合,恰当,合理;2.健康

  2)involvement(n.) 1.卷入,牵连(in);2.牵连到的事,复杂情况

  3)limitation(n.) 1.限制;2.限度,局限

  4)locker(n.) (公共场所供个人存放衣物用的)带锁的小柜

  5)commitment(n.) 承担的责任或义务,承诺

  6)accomplishment(n.) 1.完成;2.成就;3.[pl.]造诣,技能


  7)positively(ad.) 1.确定地,明确地;2.积极地,肯定地


  1)time-consuming(a.) 耗费时间的

  2)shortsighted(a.) 1.近视的;2.目光短浅的;

  反义词:longsighted 有远见的


  1)recreation(n.) 1.消遣,娱乐,娱乐活动;2.(身心)修养


  1)assure(n.) 1.使确信,使放心(of);2.向…保证(of)

  句式结构:assure sb of;assure sb that

  For example 1:I assure you of passing the exam. 我保证你能通过考试。

  For example 2:He assured his wife that he would make much money to live a happy life with her. 向他的妻子保证说,他会挣很多钱,同她一起过幸福的生活。

  2)priority(n.) 1.优先,重点,优先权;2.优先考虑的事

  For example:At present study is my priority. 目前学习是我的重点。

  3)schedule(n.) 时间表,日程安排表,即 timetable

  (vt.) 安排,排定;同义词 arrange

  For example:The plane is scheduled to take off at four p.m…… 这架飞机定于下午四点起飞。

  4)facility(n.) 1.[常pl.]设备,设施;2.便利,容易;


  5)career(n.) 1.生涯,经历;2.职业,事业

  加“er”不一定是人。如“cooker 炊具、typewriter 打字机”

  6)comment(n.) 1.评论;2.评注;搭配 make comments on/upon:对……做出评论/评注

  (vi.) 1.评论;2.注释;搭配 comment on/upon:意思是评论……

  For example:He is reluctant to make any comments on the matter. 他不愿意对这件事做出任何评论。

  7)maintain(vt.) 1.维持,保持;2.维修,保养

  ① The monitor maintains the order of the class when the teacher is absent.


  当 maintain 表示“保持”的时候,用作系动词

  e.g. maintain silent 保持沉默

  e.g. maintain quiet 保持安静

  ② His task is to maintain the highway. 他的任务是维修公路。

  8)approach(vt.) 1.靠近,接近;come near 2.探讨,处理(问题)deal with

  (n.) 1.接近;2.途径,方法

  ① As you approach the town, the first building you can see is the school.


  ② He tried everything to approach the difficult problem.


  ③ The scientists haven't found a correct approach to the disease.


  二、Text A

  Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness(当前人们对待健身的种种态度)


  1.current 意思是目前的,当前的;

  2.Attitudes 意思是态度。表示“对于……的态度”时,后面一般加“to 或 toward”;

  3.Physical Fitness 意思是健身。

  physical exercise 锻炼身体

  Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.


  1.to set aside 1.留出,拨出;2.忽视,不顾;


  ① He set aside half an hour to let us ask questions. 他留出了半小时的时间让我们问一些问题。

  ② On this problem, we should set aside our personal feelings. 在这个问题上,我们应该抛开个人情绪。

  He assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program than by learning to play bridge.


  2.assure sb that/of 意思是让某人相信…、向某人做出承诺…。

  3.no better than 不比…好(多少);几乎等于。

  e.g.:His composition is no better than mine. 他的作文并不比我的好多少。

  no more than 不比…多;仅仅;同…一样(都不多)

  no less than 不比…少;不亚于;同…一样(都不少)

  no longer than 不再

  e.g.:(1)I could no more work out the difficult problem than you. 我和你一样解决不了那道难题。

  (2)She is no less active than she used to be. 她和过去一样活跃。

  (3)China today is no longer than China of the past. 今天的中国不再是从前的中国了。

  College and his preparation for a career were his only priorities. 他把上大学和准备干一番事业摆在了比一切都重要的位置。

  4.prepare for 为了…做准备

  preparation for 为了…做准备:使用其的时候:


  第二、当 preparation 前面需要用动词的时候,这个动词一般用 make

  e.g. He thinks that receiving education is the very important preparations for the future life.


  This student has seen being physically fit as an end rather than the means we know it to be. His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or con, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program.


  5.see … as … 相当于 regard … as:把……看成……。

  6.pro or con 1.正面或反面的理由;2.赞成或反对

  For example:On the subject of emotion, many writers have written many books pro or con. 关于感情这个主题,许多作家已写了许多或赞成或反对的书。

  7.involvement in 介入,参与

  For example:The involvement in poli

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