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  • 2009年10月自考英语(一)串讲笔记(unit24)
  • 发布日期时间:2009-10-12  来源:汕头自考网整理   点击数:  作者:佚名
Text A Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations

  Ⅰ.New words:


  deforestation: v.& n. 开伐森林

  ecosystem: n. 生态系统

  ecospecies: 生态种

  overpopulate: v. 使人口过密

  population: n. 人口

  international: 国际的

  nation: n. 国家,民族

  inter- 表示“在一起, 交互”之义

  export: n. & vt. 输出,出口

  port: 港口

  import: 进口

  recycle: vt. 使再循环,使再生;n.再循环,再生

  economy n. 经济

  economic a. 经济(上)的

  economics n. 经济学

  economical a. 节约的

  consequence: n. 结果,后果

  consequent: a. 作为结果的

  massive: a. 大量的;大而重的,魁伟的

  mass: n. 群众,大量

  regional: a. 地区的

  region: n. 地区

  globe: n. 地球

  global: a. 全球的

  contribute: v. 贡献,捐献

  contribution: n. 贡献,捐献,投稿

  contributor: n. 捐助者,贡献者

  senseless: a. 无知觉的;无意义的,愚蠢的

  living: n. 生活,生计

  make one's living 谋生

  newly: ad. 新近,最近;重新,以新的方法


  rainforest: n. 热带雨林

  rainfall: n. (降)雨量;一场雨

  greenhouse: n. 温室

  forestland: n. 林地

  make-up: n. 组成,化妆


  1.upset v. 弄翻,打翻;使苦恼

  过去式、过去分词:(upset-upset-upset )

  a. 不安的;不适的;不舒服的

  E.g.: The large wave upset the boat.

  He is upset because of the generation gap.

  2.contribute (vi./vt)

  E.g.: The Nobel Prize winner contributed much to the research in this field.

  contribute to: 有助于;捐献;起作用

  His carelessness contributed to the accident.

  3.derive v. 由…。得到(from);起源,由……派生(from)

  E.g.: He derived his love for table tennis from his father.

  Many English words derived from French.

  4.cancel v. 取消;删除

  E.g.: The decision of the court cancelled the contract.

  5.owe : vt. 欠(债等),应该向(某人)付出;应该把…归功于(to)

  E.g.: I owe a great deal to my family and my friends for their support.

  His success does not owe to luck but hard work.


  1.speed up (使)加速

  E.g.: The heart speeds up.

  We should make double efforts to speed up socialist construction.

  2.threaten with 用…威胁,恐吓

  E.g.: The boss threatens the employees with dismissal.


  3.at the rate of 以…速度或比率

  He drives at the rate of 40 kilometers per hour.

  The population in this country is increasing at the rate of 1%.

  4.in the face of 在…面前,当着…的面;不顾

  face: n. 脸;正面 v. 面对

  E.g.: He was brave in the face of danger.

  5.stop…。from… 阻止…做…

  I can hardly stop myself from shouting at him.

  Having no money cannot stop them from falling in love.

  6.pay off 偿还;没有白费

  He plans to pay off the loan (贷款) in five years.

  7.solution to 解决…的方法

  8.last but not least 最后的但并非最不重要的

  Last but not least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem.

  Ⅱ.Text A

  Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations: 拯救热带雨林,造福子孙万代


  Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they could well disappear from the earth's surface before the year 2050.


  They are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nations in which they are located.

  are being cleared: 现在进行时的被动语态


  The most recent figures show that the area of rainforest destroyed last year alone was bigger than the size of Great Britain and Ireland.


  be+ being +V(p.p)

  clear v. 清除,扫除

  speed: 加快

  locate: v. (使)坐落于,位于


  If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences for the earth will be great.


  We shall see a massive upsetting of ecosystems, very large increases in soil erosion, increases in flooding and in drought, changes in rainfall patterns and regional, quite possibly global, changes in climate. We shall also probably lose many rare plant and animal species.


  in: 在……方面

  contribute to : 促成,导致


  According to many scientists, the burning of rainforests is also directly contributing to the so-called greenhouse effect. This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.


  contribute to(to 介词): 有助于

  raise vt.


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